We’ve all been there hiccupping uncontrollably and at some point or the other. Someone must have also recommended a hiccups home remedy to the problem. There are many myths and beliefs surrounding hiccups but let’s bust some myths and learn the ‘hidden’ facts.
- Sudden changes in body temperature
- Overexcitement
- Overeating
- Shock
- Stress
- Alcohol consumption and smoking
5. Hiccups lasting longer than 2 days may indicate a serious underlying health condition and may require immediate medical assistance.
6. Most mammals hiccup and even the foetus hiccups in the womb!
7. While hiccups home remedies like breathing deeply, drinking water, sucking on sour fruits, etc. are known far and wide, there is no proof of their effectiveness.
Hiccups in Newborns are caused by the contraction of the diaphragm and the instantaneous closing of the vocal cords. The accelerated closing of the vocal cords is what produces the sound of hiccups.
Since hiccups mostly tend to annoy grown-ups, we may believe they bother infants as well. However, newborns are typically not affected by them. In fact, many kids can sleep through a bout of hiccups without being bothered, and hiccups rarely intervene with or have any impact on a baby’s breathing.
In fact, a 2019 study indicated that hiccups may also be important to a baby’s brain development and breathing. Hiccups in infants are likely another improvement tool — and one of the earliest they develop in the womb.
But if your baby seems to be uncomfortable, here are some useful tips:
- Burp your baby.
- Give them a pacifier.
- Consider a trial of gripe water.
- Just let the hiccups run their course.
It’s not clear what may cause a bout of hiccups in infants, and there can be unknown benefits yet to be known.
As long as the baby is not vomiting with their hiccups, there’s nothing to be bothered about. For children under the age of 1, hiccups can be a normal part of progress.
Regular hiccups generally fade away by the time the baby reaches one to one and a half year age. However, if they continue often after that time, or if the baby seems upset by them or abnormally cranky, connect to your doctor. A medical expert will be able to rule out any other possible causes.
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wow, i had no idea about this, very helpful & informative article!!!!